logo contest
Calling all artists! Toronto Tamagotchi Club needs a new logo!
The winning logo will be featured on our official Toronto Tamagotchi Club buttons, t-shirts, and stickers, making you an instant legend in the Tamagotchi community. The winner will recieve a Toronto Tamagotchi Club prize pack, including Tamagotchi merch, surprise goodies from Ape and Frog, and more!
To enter, upload a high-resolution image of your logo using this form by April 27, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST. This contest is open to submissions worldwide. Entries will be "blind-judged" by the celebrity judges in our members-only groupchat. (If you've ever been to a Toronto Tamagotchi Club meetup, message us on Instagram to be added to the chat.) The winner will be announced at our meetup on April 28.
(Want to wow us? Consider a logo that screams "Toronto"! For inspiration, Texas Tamagotchi Club's logo has Kuchipatchi in a cowboy hat!).
Deadline: April 27, 11:59 PM EST
For questions, please email us at toronto.tamagotchi.club@gmail.com.
*Please note: This contest is not judged by or affiliated with Bandai Namco Entertainment or the creators of Tamagotchi. Toronto Tamagotchi Club is an independent fanclub, and activites and opinions expressed are our own. Thank you Bandai for donating a Tamagotchi to our prize pack!